Thursday, September 1, 2016

Update on Journeyman League for GMI Games

75 Points vs. Mike - Khador vs. Cryx

I went 10 - 1 in the Journeyman League at GMI Games. My final list ended up being:

Warcaster: Karchev (-30)
Warjack: Juggernaut (+12)
Warjack: Juggernaut (+12)
Warjack: Decimator (+16)
Warjack: Marauder (+10)
Unit: Widowmakers (+8)
Unit: Battle Mechaniks (Min +3)
Unit: Kayazy Eliminators (+5)
Unit: Kayazy Assassins (+15)
Unit Attachment: Kayazy Underboss (+4)
Solo: Marksman (+4)
Solo: Kell Bailoch (+5)
Solo: Eiyriss 2 (+6)
Solo: Ogrun Bokur (+5)

Even though I had the best record, Justin won the league because he played more games. I think he went 14-5. I did lose to Justin the very first day on the Mangled Metal scenario. Ret just destroys when there are no zones because Heleynna can just shoot your guy and move him while the Manticore dances around and shoots. I just had to keep running and eventually I split his army but I failed my assassination attempt. It was fun and I enjoyed my games. Here are some pictures from it.

0 Point Mangled Metal vs. Justin - Khador vs. Ret

10 Point Mangled Metal vs. Austin - Khador vs. Cygnar

10 Point Mangled Metal vs. Jose - Khador vs. Minions

50 Point vs. Joey - Khador vs. Trollbloods

65 Points vs. Charles - Khador vs. Retribution

50 Points vs. Henry - Khador vs. Khador

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