Monday, September 5, 2016

Warmachine Battle Report: Khador vs. Circle Orboros: Vlad 2 vs. Krueger 2 - Steamroller 2016 Take and Hold

This match pits Vlad 2's superior infantry vs. Krueger 2's superior control. Here are the lists:

Khador - Vlad 2
Waracaster: Vlad 2
Warjack: Ruin
Warjack: Marauder
Unit: Man-O-War Shocktroopers x2
Unit: Kayazy Eliminators
Unit: Greylord Outriders
Solo: Man-O-War Kovnik
Solo: Man-O-War Drakhun
Solo: Saxon Orrik

Circle Orboros - Krueger 2
Waracaster: Krueger 2
Warbeast: Warpwolf Stalker
Warbeast: War Argus
Warbeast: Megalith
Warbeast: Wold Guardian
Warbeast: Gorax
Unit: Druids
Unit Attachment: Druid Overseer
Unit: Shifting Stones
Unit: Shifting Stones
Unit Attachment: Stone Keeper
Solo: Blackclad Wayfarer
Solo: Gallows Groves
Solo: Gallows Groves

Top of Turn 1 - Circle Orboros: Krueger 2 and his forces move up the table and take control of the forest in the center of the board. The Druids lead the charge.

Bottom of Turn 1 - Khador: Vlad 2 gets his buffs out. He first casts Hand of Fate on the Greylord Outriders and then Assail on Ruin. He finishes his turn casting Arcane Might on himself. The Man-O-War Kovnik gives Desperate Pace to the Man-O-War Shocktroopers in the front and Saxon Orrik gives them Reconnaissance. Everyone else runs up to close the gap.

Top of Turn 2 - Circle Orboros: The Druids are pretty effective this round. They use Pulse of the Earth to knock down the front line of the Shocktroopers while the UA protects them from Greylord sprays. The Blackclad Wayfarer is able to spray into the Outriders and kills 2. Megalith and the Wold Guardian use Geomancy and telekinesis 2 of the Shocktroopers back and turn them around. Krueger 2 gets in position behind the flag in hopes he can score a point next turn.

Bottom of Turn 2 - Khador: Vlad 2 upkeeps Assail on Ruin, Arcane Might on himself, and Hand of Fate on the Greylord Outriders. The Greylords can't target the Druids because they are immune to cold so they focus on the Shifting Stones and the Blacklack Wayfarer. They are able to kill the Blackclad Wayfarer but only do minimal damage to the Stones. The Man-O-War Kovnik gives the front Shocktroopers Desperate Pace again and Saxon gives them recon. Both units of Shocktroopers move up and are able to kill a few druids. The Man-O-War Drakhun is able to charge the War Argus and does significant damage. Vlad 2 runs behind the Shocktroopers while Marauder and Ruin line up to take a beating. No one scores.

Turn 3 - Circle Orboros: A Primaled Warpwolf Stalker was able to take out Ruin and put some good hurt on the Marauder taking his Right Arm and Cortex out. The Druids used their Pulse of the Earth and knocked down the Shocktroopers again while the Wold Guardian is able to do some work on the Shocktroopers. Krueger 2 scores his first point at the top of 3.

Turn 3 - Khador: The Greylord Outriders go in and are able to take out some of the Shifting Stones and their UA. The Shocktroopers kill 4 Druids and the Drakhun finishes off the War Argus. Vlad 2 moves behind the Man-O-War wall in hopes that he won't get shot. Khador is able to contest so it is still 1-0 Circle.

Top of Turn 4 - Circle: The Stalker Frenzies and does some damage to the Marauder. The remaining Druids try to knock down the Shocktroopers to give Krueger 2 LOS to Vlad 2 who is camping 0. They are able to get him LOS and the Wold Guardian uses telekinesis to move Krueger 2 up 2". Krueger 2 then aims and begins to shoot Vlad 2 with Sustained Attack Boosted POW 12s. He is able to take Vlad down to 4 life but is now left in the open. Megalith is able to easily dispatch of the Kayazy Eliminators who are also knocked down.

Bottom of Turn 4 - Khador: Vlad pops his Feat and rolls a 1. He then snuggles behind the Man-O-War Kovnik. The Man-O-War Shocktroopers stand up and with the help of the Drakhun, they finish off the Wold Guardian. The Marauder tries to kill the Stalker but misses 4 times needing 7s. The Greylord Outriders are able to finish off the Druids and do 8 damage to Krueger 2 which is transfered to the Gorax. Saxon Orrik just ran to engage both Megalith and Krueger 2.

Top of Turn 5 - Circle: It was fairly simple to get LOS from Krueger 2 to Vlad 2. Megalith just needed to kill Saxon Orrik with a boosted attack and then Geomancy a telekinesis on the Man-O-War Kovnik. Krueger 2 then activated and aimed. He needed 7's to hit and got it. 

To do 1 damage Vlad 2 who was at ARM 18 and was camping 3 focus, Krueger 2 would need to roll 12s. He needed to do 4 damage. His first shot cranks it and even though Vlad 2 was fairly same he was able to roll a 15 to kill him.

Win for Circle Orboros with Krueger 2 by Assassination. 

All Stars - The Druids are not as bad as everyone says they are in MK3. They do a ton of work with their pushing and knocking down. Krueger 2 is also pretty nasty with his Sustained Attack 12" POW 12 ROF 3 gun. The Greylord Outriders also did a fair amount of damage and would have been a lot more trouble if 2 of them weren't killed by a single Blackclad Wayfarer.

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