Sunday, March 15, 2015

Battle Lesson - pIrusk vs. eFeora

pIrusk using Battle Lust to put an end to pFeora and her fire shenanigans 

This was a 35 point Steamroller 2015 scenario: Two Fronts

'Come On Baby Light Me on Fire' (35 Points)

Warcaster: pFeora - Feat: Sets all enemies in her control area on fire. Engine of Destruction + Ignite
Warjack: Avatar of Menoth - Generates own focus, Reach, Menoth's Gaze
Warjack: Crusader - Efficient low cost beat stick
Unit: Choir - Protection for Warjacks against ranged attacks + Battle Hym
Unit: Exemplar Errants + UA - Great unit with Self Sacrifice, Magical ranged weapons + Weapon Master
Solo: Heirophant - Heals and makes one of your Warcaster's spells 1 cheaper
Solo: Dartan Vilmon - Impervious Wall + Stone and Mortar Stance + Weapon Master + High MAT
Solo: Paladin of the Order of the Wall - Dartan Vilmon's cheaper weaker brother
Solo: Vassal Mechanik - Jack fixer
Solo: Covenant of Menoth - Enemies can't cast spells within its command area + give a unit continuous fire.
Solo: Exemplar Errant Seneschal - Gives Errants Hunter
Objective: Bunker - Reduces damage from raged attacks + protects from blast damage

The goal for this list was to take the enemy flag out with the Exemplar Errants and use Self Sacrifice to reduce the effects of the opponent's counter-charge. When everyone is clumped up, pFeora will pop her feat and take out all the enemy infantry nits with continuous fire. The Avatar and Crusader are there to deal with all the Heavies.

'M. Bison Psycho Crusher' (35 Points)

Warcaster: pIrusk - Feat: boosts all warrior model's attack + gives them a 4+ tough roll
Warjack: Behemoth - 14'' Arching cannons and armor piercing fists
Unit: Winterguard Death Star (UA + Kovnik Joe) - High defense with buffs + Tough + Spray + CRA
Unit: Kayazy Assassins + UA - Stealth, Gang, Charge through models
Unit: Widowmakers - Sniper unit
Solo: Widowmaker Marksmen - Super Sniper
Solo: War Dog - Protects pIrusk

Objective: Arcane Wonder - Free upkeep if within 4"

The goal for this list was to buff up the units and wait till the Kayazy get a shot at the Warcaster

Lesson Learned: I expected pFeora's feat to just wipe the board of enemy infantry and was relying on it to smoke all the high defense targets but the truth is that 33.33% of the time you will put out continuous effects. While it did wipe out lots of the enemy infantry, it still left enough to cause major problems.

Kayazy with Blood Lust are pretty amazing especially if they can charge through models. They were able to take out a Crusader and the Objective forcing Menoth to awkwardly move their units so they didn't lose on scenario.

In the end when model count was thin, pIrusk was able to cast Blood Lust on himself and then charge at pFeora killing her.

I also learned today that Dartan Vilmon and the Paladin can give up both Action and Movement to gain Impervious Wall AND Stone and Mortar stance in the same turn. This makes them excellent models to contest areas.

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