Monday, March 16, 2015

Battle Lesson - eLylyth vs. eKreoss - Steamroller 2015 Close Quarters (35 Points)

eLylyth  vs. eKreoss


eLylyth and her Batttlegroup filled with Ravagores and an Angelius move into position to set up an assassination attempt against eKreoss. Their plan failed because eKreoss quickly moved behind large boulders that littered the battlefield and used them as cover, never giving them an opportunity to strike. 

The Avatar of Menoth was able to lead Rhoven and the Honor Guard, a Redeemer, and a group of Choir to hold the enemy flag. The Choir sang a hym of passage which protected the Avatar and Redeemer from the ranged attacks of Legion's deadly Warbeasts.

Using their speed and long threat ranges, Ravagores were able to launch gobs of acid, disintegrating the Choir who got too close. eLylyth was able to move into the forest and with eyeless sight, she was able to take out the Redeemer's cannon. This dead Choir left the Menoth Warjacks susceptible to their deadly range attacks.

The Legion beasts were able to wither down the Avatar of Menoth which dramatic turned the tides of war in Legion's favor.

eKreoss had split his army into two groups and had sent a full group of Bastions and Errants off to claim the enemy flag that was only defended by the Blighted Ogrun. They were successful in wiping out the enemy but the Ogrun stood just long enough to delay Menoth's reinforcements.

In the end, Menoth had destroyed all but a single Ravagore and a Shepherd but eLylyth was able to clear the flag and score the final two points needed to win the game by scenario. The Errants and Bastions were just inches away from stopping her but arrived too late.

Battle Lesson: 

There are two important rules that I learned in this game. 
  1. Warcaster/Warlock cannot contest an enemy flag or zone. 

    Warcasters cannot contest flags or zones. Also, for a unit to control a flag there needs to be at least half the original unit within 4" of a flag. That means if you have 10 Errants and 6 of them die, you won't be able to control a flag with them for the rest of the game. They can still contest but never control.

  2. There are differences between Granted, Elite Cadre, and Tactics If a model has Granted and gives a unit a benefit but dies, the benefit goes away. With Elite Cadre and Tactics the benefits stay even if the model dies.
This could have helped Menoth because a forest separated them and contesting the flag eLylyth dominated to win the game. The UA gave them Tactics: Pathfinder which would have allowed them to get within 4" of the flag.

eLylyth would have probably picked them off anyway with Snap Fire but it would have made it a little bit harder for them. If they had survived one more turn they would have murdered the rest of Legion's army.

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