Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Khador Butcher 3 vs. Circle Krueger 2 Warmachine Battle Report (35 Point Steamroller 2015)

Here's a quick little battle report with Khador (Butcher 3) vs. Circle (Krueger 2) and yes, I am playing against myself.

There's a 35 point tournament coming up at our local store and it's kind of their last hurrah for MKII. There aren't many Warmachine players there but hopefully MKIII will bring in some new blood. I won the previous 35 point tournament with Butcher 3 and Old Witch. My biggest challenge right now is probably Krueger 2 and I know there's a very good player in our Meta that plays him. I was able to beat him last time because he didn't want to be list locked and instead played against his Krueger 1 which I was able to beat.

The issue I am having is how to combat Kreuger 2's feat turn.

In the practice game I played Butcher 3, Ruin, Juggernaut, a unit of Press Gangers, Madelyn Corbeau, Widowmakers, Widowmaker Marksman, and Kell Bailoch. The sniper pack is mostly for The Book or Orin Midwinter. They do help clear paths out for Butcher 3 but are probably not the best choices. I might swap one out for Doc Killingsworth for the Press Gangers.

The Circle list included Krueger 2, Ghetorix, Stalker, Gorax, Druids + UA, Stones, Stones + UA, and a Gallows Grove.


Circle Top of Turn 1

Circle focused on the top zone and set up to take it over. The druids held the bottom and used Summon Vortex to put up clouds to contest.

Khador Bottom of Turn 1

The Press Gangers spread out in the top zone hoping to contest long enough for Butcher and the Jacks to get up the field. Butcher 3 sets up on a hill and uses Energizer to move up his battlegroup. Ruin and the Juggernaut each take opposing zones. The Widowmakers and Widowmakers take shots at the DEF 18 Druids (Camo + Smoke) and come up short. Kell Beiloch also misses.

Turn 2
Circle used the Stalker to clear a path for Ghetorix to the Juggernaut and Kruger 2 set him up with a Telekenisis. Circle thought they could send in a POW 19 Ghetorix with lightning strike to finish off the Juggernaut but fell very short only crippling its movement. With Ghetorix's last attack he tried to kill a Press Ganger to trigger Lightning Strike and move back but rolled snake eyes and failed. Circle also should have feated on this turn but it wouldn't have helped too much since the Juggernaut would have killed Ghetorix most likely. The Druids simply move up and cast summon vortex. The Stone Keeper kills 2 Widowmakers and they fail their command checks.

On Khador's turn I send in Ruin which explodes Ghetorix with 3 hits. Butcher just moves up and tries to set up in the zone to prepare for the carnage ahead. The Widowmakers have to flee but Kell Bailoch is able to kill a single Druid.

Circle Turn 3

Butcher 3 is camping on 0 focus and this might be the only chance Circle will get to assassinate him. The first part of the plan is to use the Druids to push away the Ogrun Bokur and have the rest do damage to Butcher. They do about 2 damage. The next step is to have the Stone Keeper do some damage and he is able to put on 4 damage.

Kruger now moves in and has LOS to Butcher. He boosts to hit and makes it. He has Sustained attack with his gun which is POW 12 ROF 3. He uses all of his shots and boost them all and gets Butcher 3 to 8 boxes. Circle should have feated but again, I don't think there was a chance with Impending Doom, Energizer, Reach, and Butcher 3's feat still active.

Khador Turn 3

Madelyn Corbeau's skill triggers and butcher moves up 3". He then uses Energizer to move another 3". He then charges the Stalker doing damage and then casts Impending Doom which sucks in Krueger 2. With MAT 9, Weaponmaster POW 16 he is able to decimate both Krueger 2 and the Stalker for a caster assassination.

The Killing Blow
That's the end. I missed a lot of things with Circle and I think a truly skilled player would have beat me on scenario. The Press Gangers were awesome and held the zone with toughs and volume. I am thinking about throwing in Doc Killingsworth to give them a little more staying power as their only job is to hold the line and wait for Butcher and friends to make it up field.

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