Thursday, March 19, 2020

Death Guard - The Big Green Swarm Machine

I've been really into 40k recently and found a game group that plays near my work (yes, Tarin) and I committed myself to fully painting a full 2000 point army of Death Guard.

Death Guard 2000 Point List
My Death Guard Army

I was really drawn to the whole synergy between the models and how well everything worked together. I love how Typhus buffs up the puny Poxwalkers (+1 Toughness) and then the Malignant Plaguecasters can buff them up with their psychic powers, Putrescent Vitality (+1 Strength +1 Vitality) and Blades of Putrifaction (+1 to wound). Oh, not to mention the 1 point Stratagem, Veterans of the Long War which gives another +1 to wound.

This essentially turns a cheapy cheap S3/T3 model into a S4/T5 that hits on 4+ with +2 to wound and that makes more Poxwalkers each time they kill an infantry model. That's fun stuff.

3x Plagueburst Crawlers
The Plagueburst Crawlers are pretty awesome models too. These are my newest models and they have Plagueburst Mortars which are Heavy D6 S8 /D3 Damage that don't need line of sight to target models within 12"- 48". They can do some major damage. I've kitted 2 out with Entropy Cannons that are 36" S8 / D6 Damage and the other with 2x Plaguespitters  I plan to kamikaze one right into enemy lines and for 1 Stratagem you can make sure that bad boy explodes right in front of the enemy's face and cause D3 Mortal wounds on everyone who dares stand close.

I've also got 4 Pskyers in my army (Typhus + 3 Maligant Plaguecasters). They have an awesome ability where if the Malignant Plaguecasters successfully roll 7 on a test, they do a mortal wound to the closest enemy within 7". They each can cast 1 spell along with Smite which means they can really dish out some extreme Mortal Wounds. I've also equipped one with a Relic that gives Smite +1 which means the first Smite I'm rolling has a Warp Charge Value of 5, the next 6, the next 7, and the next another 7 because that model gets +1 to Smite.

Overall, I'm really liking the Death Guard. I initially chose them because they were part of the Dark Imperium set and I could grab the models cheaply. Now I'm seeing how fun they are and how they match my playstyle.

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