Friday, March 25, 2016

Skorne vs. Cygnar - Company Of Iron Bunker

I've been getting a little bored with Khador lately so I asked Austin to bring some of his Skorne so I can use them to play against his Cygnar. He also made an awesome Bunker structure for the Company of Iron league.

Austin decided to use Siege with Stormclad and Old Rowdy along with some Sword Knights and Long Gunners. He also brought a min Tempest Blazers unit to sweep the back. Siege is real pain in this scenario because his Ground Pounder can be used while he's inside the Bunker and no one can touch him unless you go around the back entrance.

I went beast heavy with Epic Xerxis (Tiberion, Titan Cannoneer, Titan Gladiator, and Molik Karn) in hopes that they would just smash the bunker (ARM 20 - 100 boxes) before Cygnar could pick them off. I also brought Incindiarii to deal with pesky High DEF troops. 

Skorne vs. Cygnar. Company of Iron Bunker Scenario 

This was actually the second game we played during the night. I brought the same Skorne list and Austin used Haley 3. The game was pretty much over on turn 2 after the beast got within charge range of the bunker so Austin decided to call it and start over.

 There's not much Cygnar in the picture above because they've been methodically wiped out. You can see Siege peeking out of the bunker and one lone Long Gunner left outside the Bunker.

I was able to use all the fun Skorne speed buffs to out threaten Cygnar and just wiped most of them out.

There was a little controversy because it was pretty late and I started to play sloppy. I was attacking with eXerxis against a Tempest Blazer and hit. All I needed was 2 damage to kill it and I accidentally rolled 3 dice. I didn't call the boost and didn't mean to roll 3 dice but Austin made me pay for the boost. It almost cost me the game because I was planning to use the fury to transfer and Austin got eXersis down to 2 health.

I eventually got some charges into the bunker and got it down to 2 life.This time I left 3 fury on eXersis and was able to transfer everything off. The Incindiarii were able to finish the bunker off with some shots.

I kind of like Skorne but they play a little like Khador. I'd rather play something totally different to scratch a play stlye itch.

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