Monday, March 9, 2015

Battle Report - Mangled Metal Arena FFA - Cygnar vs. Cryx vs. Khador

Hey guys! Today we bring you a Battle Report for a Mangled Metal Arena game scenario that we're play testing. What is Mangled Metal Arena you ask? It's a battlefield that comes to life and tries to destroy you! We've come up with 6 random events that happen once each round after everyone has activated.
  1. The Arena fills up with Shallow Water (Movement cut in half, Jacks Knocked Down have their fire put out) 
  2. 3 acid clouds will form in the center of the arena, players will deviate each acid cloud with an additional die for distance (Each cloud will be a standard 3" AoE, but will grow 1" each turn until it reaches 5", after which they will expire
  3. All models within 4" of the Arena walls will be set on fire (This will be a standard fire damage roll that gives cont. fire to models hit) 
  4. All models within 4" of the center of the Arena are hit with electricity (Pow 10 with disruption) 
  5. 3 clouds will form in the center of the Arena, models that end their turns in the clouds will be stationary for one turn (Freezing rules/damage) 
  6. Depending on the number of players participating, place a shredder model at each player's starting location. Shredders will automatically frenzy each round and will continue to do as such until they are destroyed. Shredders can attack each other if no other targets are available. 
The winner is the last Warcaster standing!

Let's check out everyone's lists:

Starting Positions

Erik's Cygnar Mangled Metal Army (25 Points)

Warcaster: Captain E. Dominic Darius - The tiny mechanic man in the machine that repairs everything and makes little tiny jacks that turn into mines. Feat repairs all jacks to full health
Warjack: Ironclad - Smashy smashy jack with a AOE knockdown
Warjack: Centurion - Can't be charged special action and critical sustained attack
Warjack: Hammersmith - Smite + Beat Back - Slam monster
Warjack: Hunter - Armor piercing ranged weapon

Ryan's Cryx Mangled Metal Army (25 Points)

Warcaster: Epic Skarre - Backlash, Admonition, and feat makes it so her battlegroup can't be attacked for 1 round
Warjack: Deathjack - Generates own focus and can cast spells from Warcaster (Deathjack Review)
Warjack: Cankerworm - Armor piercing + eats wreck markers and absorbs their weapons
Warjack: Defiler - Arc-Node with a spray
Warjack: Seether - Can generate its own focus

Mark's Khador Mangled Metal Army (25 Points)

Warcaster: Butcher 1 - Melee monster with Obliterate, Fury, and Iron Flesh. Feat gives everyone an extra damage die
Warjack: Behemoth - Armor piercing with two 14" RNG shoulder canons
Warjack: Destroyer - One 14" arm canon
Warjack: Devastator - High armor with Rain of Death that does Pow 18 to models base to base and POW 9 to anything within 3"

Turn 1

  • Erik's Turn - Erik runs up the hunter towards the middle of the map and then creates a giant Jack Brick to hide Darius. He moves his Half-Jacks to set up some mines next turn
  • Mark's Turn - I end up running all my jacks and casting Iron Flesh on Butcher1. I prepare to drop some bombs on whoever comes near me.
  • Ryan's Turn - Ryan moves his entire army up lead by the Cankerworm with armor piercing

Turn 2

  • Erik's Turn - Erik was able to use his Hunter's armor piercing ranged attack and launched a shot that did 6 points of damage to my Behemoth. He continues to move his Darius brick up slowly while building a mine wall to prevent us from attacking him.
  • Mark's Turn - I didn't like that hunter hurting my precious Behemoth so I launched 2 boosted rockets at him from the Behemoth as retaliation which severely damaged him. I finished off his Hunter with the Destroyer's canon.
  • Ryan's Turn - Ryan moves up his Defiler at the top left hoping to set up some corrosive sprays against Erik on his next turn. His Cankerworm swings around to the right and sets up to charge my Devastator with his armor piercing tail. At the end of his turn he pops his feat and eSkarre takes 5 damage and makes it so his entire battlegroup can't be attacked.

End of Turn - Freezing clouds burst forth from the center of the Arena

Turn 3
  • Erik's Turn - Erik was at maximum mines so he chose to explode them to make room for more. He is blocked by freezing clouds in the center of the Arena so he also continues to move his brick up slowly.
  • Mark's Turn - I cast Iron Flesh on Butcher1 and move him within striking distance of the Cankerworm trying to bait Ryan to attack me with unfavorable dice. I also move up the Devastator and set him up to block any charges. Since Ryan can't be attacked I end my turn quickly.
  • Ryan's Turn - Ryan uses his Defiler and causes continuous corrosion on all of Erik's army. He casts Admonition on the Cankerworm and then uses its armor piercing to charge at the Devastator doing decent damage but leaving all his arms intact. 

End of Turn - The Arena fills up with Shallow Water cutting all speed in half

Turn 4

  • Erik's Turn - With no ranged jacks and with the water filling up in the arena, Erik is forced to sit tight. He is able to remove most of his corrosion due to good rolls and repairs his jacks a bit.
  • Mark's Turn - I see a tiny gap and move Butcher1 so he is in LOS of eSkarre. Cankerworm's Admonition triggers and it moves out of the melee range of the Devastator, back towards his army. I pop my feat and cast a boosted Obliterate hitting eSkarre. I then roll a feat + boosted POW 15 attack and one shot her.
  • Ryan's Turn - Ryan has been eliminated but his Warjacks remain inert in the Arena. He is now also officially the controller of the Arena effects.
End of Turn - Three Shredders are released into the arena. The crowd cheers.

Turn 5
  • Erik's Turn - Erik's brick moves slowly forward. He uses Polarity Field on his Centurion and makes it so he can't be charged and moves the rest of his army behind him.
  • Mark's Turn - I take a potshot with the Destroyer at Darius doing 6 damage. Horrifically, the shredder behind my Behemoth frenzies and takes out one of its arms. 

End of the Game
  • Erik's Turn - Erik uses Polarity field again and then charges his Centurion at my Devastator killing it. His Ironclad and Hammersmith move in behind him again. Darius turns around and kills one of the shredders.

    I think we kind of messed this up a bit. Polarity Field is a Special Action which means you can't purchase additional attacks if you choose to use it. Only Special Attacks allow you to purchase additional attacks. Butcher1 could have charged the Centurion.
  • Mark's Turn - I totally mess up this round. I allocated 3 focus to the Destroyer and held 3 on Butcher1. My thought was that I would *charge in with Butcher1 and wipe out the Centurion and then charge the Hammersmith with the Destroyer thus blocking his charge lane to my Warcaster. To my dismay, I couldn't charge the Centurion because of Polarity Field and I totally forgot Butcher1 is a Weapon Master and rolled 1 die short on all my attacks. Doh.

    After all the attacks I ended up knocking out Centurions arms and movement. I was also so amped up on coffee that I forgot to activate Behemoth. I probably would have charged him in first and taken a wimpy free strike from that Shredder, killing the Centurion if Polarity Field wasn't active.
  • Erik's Turn - Erik allocates 3 focus to his Centurion and activates Darius and casts Full Throttle which gives his jacks an extra die on melee attacks. He then pops his feat full repairing all his Warjacks. He then activates the Centurion who is now fully healed and then begins to attack Butcher1.

    1) His first attack misses and he purchases another attack leaving him with 2 focus.
    2) His second attack is a critical and Centurion has Critical Sustained Attack which allowed the rest of his attacks to automatically hit. He boosts that attack and hits for 10 damage. This leaves him with 1 focus
    3) His third attack is from his shield so it's free. He automatically hits and then boosts the damage killing off the Butcher. 
Battle Arena was a blast. The different events really effected the game and our decisions. The rising water (Movement at half speed) sure did suck though because it really slowed the game down a lot, especially for Mangled Metal. The Shredders were pretty cool and one of them managed to roll a 6/6/5 on it's frenzy against my Behemoth which crippled one of his arms.

The events added an element of randomness to the game that made it suspensful. The problem was a lot of the elements were hindrances which dramatically changed the pacing of the game. Maybe in the future we can use some sort of buff or boost that benefits players if they move closer to the center, much like the 2015 Steamroller objectives. This will promote good conflict and speed up the flow.

We'll definitely have to play test this again and modify it with what we've learned from our first game.

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