Turn 1 - Bottom - Death Guard |
Turn 1 - Bottom - Death Guard: The Death Guard respond by advancing forward towards the center hoping to score their King of the Hill secondary. Without a strong screen of Poxwalkers in the middle of the map, the Foetid Bloat Drones move in to provide a charge barrier with their auto hitting Plaguespitters.
The Death Guard drop mortars and disease filled bile on their enemy and are able to destroy 4 Incubi, an entire unit of Wyches, 10 Scourges, and 1 Raider transporting 10 Kabalite Warriors who miraculously jump off the transport unscathed.
In total, they are able to take out 4 units scoring them the mission bonus but are unable to claim any other secondaries. This was a painful round for the Drukhari but they are still up in points.
Score: Drukhari: 4 / Death Guard: 3
Turn 2 - Top - Drukhari |
Turn 2 - Top - Drukhari: The Drukhari unleash their squad of Reaver Jet Bikes and crash down on a Foetid Bloat Drone. With a few good placed Blaster D6 Damage shots and a final charging push, the Foetid Bloat Drone goes down. The tight group of Talos burst through the Poxwalker screen and tear open into a Malignant Plaguecaster.
The casualties are high for the Death Guard. They lose 18 Poxwalkers, 1 Foteid Bloat Drone, 1 Maligant Plaguecaster.
The Drukhari score on 3 Mission points, Recon, and Marked for death.
Score: Drukhari: 9 / Death Guard: 3
Turn 2 - Bottom - Death Guard |
Turn 2 - Bottom - Death Guard: The Death Guard charge wildly into the Reaver Jetbikes and smash through 9 of them. The Cultists sacrifice themselves and try and hold off the massive Talos that are coming to eviscerate the unprotected Plagueburst Crawlers. The very slow Blightlord Terminators drop in and blast away at the Kabalite Warriors but unfortunately fail their charge.
The Death Guard score 3 Mission points and a King of the Hill secondary.
Score: Drukhari: 9 / Death Guard: 7
Turn 3 - Top - Drukhari |
Turn 3 - Top - Drukhari: This was the most devastating turn for the Drukhari. The three Talos focus their fire their Heat Lances on a Plagueburst Crawler and melt it to a mound of glowing ooze. They are also able to take out 6 Plague Mariens, another Malignant Plaguecaster, and 20 Cultists who fail morale checks and run off screaming into the alien forest.
The Drukhari score on 4 Mission points, Marked for Death x2, and Recon x2.
Score: Drukhari: 17 / Death Guard: 7
Turn 3 - Bottom - Death Guard |
Turn 3 - Bottom - Death Guard: Typus laughs at the remaining 2 Reaver Jet Bikes and carelessly charges into their Blaster shots. With a miraculous overwatch of double 6's, the Blasters turn Typhus into a pile of ashes. This was a huge turning point for the Drukhari as Typhus was the focus of the Born for Greatness secondary and his death prevented the scoring of this objective.
Only 13 Kabalite Warriors fall to the Death Guard this turn. They are only able to score 2 points for the main mission.
Score: Drukhari: 17 / Death Guard: 9
Turn 4 - Top - Drukhari |
Turn 4 - Top - Drukhari: It seems pretty hopeless for the Death Guard but the Drukhari are relentless and ruthless and press on. They are able to kill the Chaos Lord which was the Death Guard Warlord along with the Noxious Blightbringer. They also control their two placed objective which gives them their mission bonus.
They are able to score 4 Mission Points along with Kingslayer and Recon.
Score: Drukhari: 22 / Death Guard: 9
Turn 4 - Bottom - Death Guard |
Turn 4 - Bottom - Death Guard: There isn't much left of the Death Guard. The Blightlord Terminators finish up the Kabalite Warriors at the top while the Foetid Bloat Drone wipes out the other unit.
They score 2 mission points.
Score: Drukhari: 22 / Death Guard: 11
Turn 5 - Top - Drukhari |
Turn 5 - Top - Drukhari: The Talos use their massive claws to rip open the last Plagueburst Crawler and the Raiders fire on the Bloat Drone hoping to whittle it down but are only able to do a few points of damage.
The Drukhari score 4 Mission points and Marked for Death.
Score: Drukhari: 27 / Death Guard: 11
Turn 5 - Bottom - Death Guard |
Turn 5 - Bottom - Death Guard: The Blightlord Terminators launch everything they have against the Incubi but fail to kill them. The Foetid Bloat Drone stands on the stone bridge and launch down but fail to cause any casualties.
The Death Guard score 1 point for holding an objective but nothing else.
Score: Drukhari: 27 / Death Guard: 12
Turn 6 - Top - Drukhari |
Turn 6 - Top - Drukhari: With an overwhelming advantage of firepower, the Drukhari easily destroy the Foetid Bloat Drone completing their Marked for Death secondary leaving only 3 Blightlord Terminators alive.
The Drukhari score 5 Mission points along with Marked for Death, Linebreaker, and Last Strike.
Turn 6 - Bottom - Death Guard: The Blightlord Terminators make their final push and kill 1 Incubi putting an end to this nightmarish match for the Death Guard.
The initial casualties that the Death Guard suffered in the 1st and 2nd turn were too much to come back from. The final nail in the coffin was the failed charge from Typhus which sealed his fate. The Drukhari's ability to quickly change strategies between turns made it difficult for the lumbering Death Guard to react and caused their weaker flank to crumble to the shifting tides of the Drukhari army.